Tag: Tennis

Tracking tennis using Apple Watch – My own takes after 18 month of usage

Tracking tennis using Apple Watch – My own takes after 18 month of usage

Playing tennis has been a major part of my adult life: It is fun, competitive and a truly global sport. More importantly, it has shaped my character and my social network.  Over the past 18 months, I have been using my Apple Watch to track, and subsequently, to analyze my tennis performance along with swimming    

In this post, we will cover the background, the pros and cons of different apps, and how the additional metrics playing a role in my mindset shift.

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Lessons learned from an unexpected doubles tournament

Lessons learned from an unexpected doubles tournament

Tennis is a big part of my personal life.  Playing competitive level matches since 2006, I have won a few tournaments in the “club” level.  Ironically, I have never played in a doubles tournament ( never a fan of doubles game, and often complain about not even getting sweaty), nor have I played in a game organized by the companies I worked for (tennis might be such a “minority” sport that didn’t get much attention).

I broke both rules last week.

It was the 1st “3M Open” tennis tournament – featured only doubles matches. One of my colleagues in the lab signed me up for it.  We have played together a few times in the past but never played doubles as partners.  For both of us, the original goal was very clear –

“Enjoy the sunshine and have some fun. “

In the end, we brought the “3M cup” back home by winning three straight matches in a row. When I look back today, the experience was 100% memorable. But “fun” is not the appropriate word.  Instead, it is more of the mix of drama, pressure, heartbreak, teamwork, and a sense of relief.

Let me tell you why:

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What 2017 Australian Open Men’s final means to me

I recently found out one benefit of handling parenting duties early in the morning  – watching sports happening on the other side of the globe. The game I watched, is the 2017 Australian Open Men’s final tennis between the legendary Roger Federer, 17 time grandslam champion and arguably the “greatest of all time” tennis player, versus Rafael Nadal, a 14 time grandslam champion, my early 20s “idol” for his toughness and mastery of top spin.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFIOGpIQtVU]

Going over the game detail is not the intention of this blog post. (This link will guide you to the official game recap).  I’d rather share what I have learned, or more specifically, what inspired me from this match.

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