Category: Digital Analytics

Why reading still matters, and my top 3 picks

The second half of 2016 is the fastest learning period for me professionally in a decade. Being put in the new job, I was forced to step out of my comfort zone, and learn to “swim” quickly in the deep water of digital analytics world. A “multi-channel” approach has been taken:

  • participating interactive webinars (most of them are free as part of the solution-sell from vendors),
  • formal on-line training(passed Google Analytics IQ certification),
  • follow blogs and newsletters (started from Occam’s Razor),
  • peer to peer learning (10+ face to face meeting with leading digital marketers, and analysts within my company),
  • reading books

This approach is essential to build the competencies thru different angles, just like we need multiple “marketing channels” to promote products and services.  You will always want to know which one is the best. For me personally, “reading books” is the channel that come on top without doubt.

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Using Facebook Graphic API Explorer to retrieve insights over 180 days

Recently, Facebook – the largest social media site has given me some headache. My assignment is quite simple – the business needs its facebook page’s key metrics(impressions, engagements) on a year over year basis, to see understand how our company’s facebook performance is doing.
Surprisingly, I can’t do it by login the standard facebook business manager function.Facebook won’t allow its business user to download metrics over 180 days from its “insights” portal.


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