Tag: DAA

Year-end reflections from Toronto local chapter events, Digital Analytics Association

Year-end reflections from Toronto local chapter events, Digital Analytics Association

2017, I have been benefited greatly from the digital analytics association(DAA), including the eMetrics and certified web analyst destination, and five local chapter events in Toronto. This post breaks down these events I went to, what are they, how do they help me, and why they matter to me during the career development for a digital analyst.

Being a part of a bigger community


Earlier in my career, maybe 10 years ago, I had a similar feeling surrounded by a group of peers, sharing similar interests – tennis. We achieved great things together – workshops, tournaments, etc.  That experience not only shaped my life-long hobby,  but also gave me an opportunity to meet, work and have fun with a few friends that I am still contacting with now.

Back in 2017, I have a similar feeling – “being a part of something big”, after attending 5 local Toronto chapter events from DAA. 

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My experience of becoming a certified web analyst

I have finally earned my certification practicing digital analytics from digital analytics association  this week.  I was so pumped and barely had any sleep the night after I got it.

In this post, I will share what is this certification and different options, why getting certified in digital analytics is important to me, and how I pass the exam test (without violating the confidentiality agreement.)

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